Keep RapidBus in Burnaby Heights!

Opponents want to route the new RapidBus away from the Heights, we want it through the Heights!

What is being proposed?

TransLink is proposing three new Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) lines in Metro Vancouver. One of these lines is proposed to run from Park Royal in West Vancouver, across the north shore, on Hastings through the Heights, and finally down Willingdon to Brentwood and Metrotown.

However, while this line is being studied, TransLink is proposing extending the R2 RapidBus to Metrotown using the same route.

Why is there opposition?

Some business owners, and the Burnaby Heights Merchant Association are against the proposal. They say that because it will remove some street parking, and that it should be routed away from their neighbourhood. They claim hardly anyone takes transit to their businesses.

We know the Heights needs better transit, the proposed R2 RapidBus extension will bring more people to the Heights from Burnaby and the North Shore. We heard Heights residents are getting passed up trying to get to school in the morning. We heard residents and visitors wanted better transit. Please sign our petition if you also want better transit in the Heights!

May 2024
This petition will remain open until the routing decision is final.