A queue of buses leaving 22nd St SkyTrain station in New West on 7th Avenue.


Your support will allow us to buy materials, plan events, and advertise, but our most crucial goal is to be able to hire our first staffer, who will exponentially allow us to grow our organization.

Donation calculator

Payment Method How much you send each month How much you’ll get back in taxes* each year How much money Movement receieves
Interac E-Transfer to hello@transitmovement.ca
Credit card via Paypal
Credit card via Small Change Fund*
*This expected refund is not a guarantee. It is our best guess at what you should receive, as long as you are a BC resident and your total donations do not exceed 75% of your net income for that year. If your total donations do exceed 75% of your net income, you can carry forward any additional donations to the following year.

At tax time, donations are totaled up for the entire year:
  • Refund for portion of your total annual donation under $200: 20.06%
  • Refund for portion of your total annual donation over $200: 45.80%

Large Donations and Grants

We are actively seeking financial support from foundations and businesses, and major donors. If you have any suggestions, or wish to make a large donation, please reach out at hello@movementyvr.ca.