Movement & Friends react to the Federal Permanent Transit Fund

Movement has signed on to a joint statement issued by Environmental Defence Canada, and co-signed by TTCRiders, Equiterre, and the David Suzuki Foundation.

Here’s our quote:

“To transit riders, it feels like this funding announcement is taking place in a parallel universe. Capital funding to build transit will be crucial for future generations, but what about the people that are riding transit today? The ones that are constantly stuck in congested, overcrowded buses? When is our funding announcement? Riders and agencies have been asking for operating funding to run more buses but each level of government keeps pointing at each other. One million people ride transit in Metro Vancouver at least once a week, almost 40% of the region. Route 49 alone moves twice as many people as VIA Rail Canada. How crowded does transit have to get before it becomes a political priority?” Denis Agar, Executive Director of Movement: Metro Vancouver Transit Riders said.

And some social media from us: