Author: admin
We can have nice public spaces without banning buses from Granville
We can have nice public spaces without banning buses from Granville February 5, 2025 VANCOUVER – Today, the City of Vancouver released a concept for a public square on Granville Street that would affect 80,000 bus trips per day. Why are we concerned? This proposal runs the risk of getting buses stuck in traffic, and…
RELEASE – BC transport advocates seek candidates and voters who want affordability, safer streets, less congestion
RELEASE – BC transport advocates seek candidates and voters who want affordability, safer streets, less congestion Oct 5, 2024 An unprecedented coalition of transport advocates in BC are looking for candidates that will speak up to address road safety and congestion this election. Vote Better Transport BC (VBT) is made up of 12 non-partisan groups…
Transit Riders groups in 3 Canadian Cities react to Rail Lockouts
Transit Riders groups in 3 Canadian Cities react to Rail Lockouts Image of West Coast Express locomotive by Northwest on Wikipedia For immediate release Montreal, Vancouver, and Toronto, August 22nd, 2024 – Trajectoire Québec, TTCriders and Movement: Metro Vancouver Transit Riders denounce that rail users are at the mercy of freight transportation in Canada. The…
Movement & Friends react to the Federal Permanent Transit Fund
Movement has signed on to a joint statement issued by Environmental Defence Canada, and co-signed by TTCRiders, Equiterre, and the David Suzuki Foundation. Here’s our quote: “To transit riders, it feels like this funding announcement is taking place in a parallel universe. Capital funding to build transit will be crucial for future generations, but what…