Category: blog post
We’re FINALLY selling that hoodie you either love or hate
I’m not quite sure what to write here, because the hoodie really speaks for itself. And it speaks quite loudly.
Be part of Movement’s new era and check out the gifts we have for new donors
Be part of Movement’s new era and check out the gifts we have for new donors December 3, 2024 Movement’s growing really fast. Do you remember when Movement was just an idea 12 months ago? Today, we can announce that we hired our first person! Welcome to the team, Michelle Scarr! She’ll be helping with basically…
Guest Post: How can we turn the 49 into a Yellow Brick Road?
Guest Post: How can we turn the 49 into a Yellow Brick Road? By Jamie Burke “Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” This infamous line, delivered by Dorothy to her beloved dog Toto, is from Tristen Foy’s favourite film ‘The Wizard of Oz’. Tristen tells me this as we’re cruising along…